
Autism Society

Rehabilitation Home For Autistic
& Mentally Retarded ( RHAM ).

Get connected to the resources you need, when you need them.


“Rehabilitation Home for Autistic & Mentally Retarded (RHAM)” is a welfare-oriented, private, non-political, and non-profitable charity organization which is dedicated to providing services to neuro-developmentally disabled persons.

Neuro-developmentally disabled persons don’t receive social security, motivation, social acceptance and job opportunities. This organization is working towards permanent rehabilitation for  disabled people by developing a shelter so that they would not need to be burden on others when their parents would no longer beside them.


ইয়ামান জায়েদের বেড়ে ওঠা


বিয়ের দু বছরের মাথায় ঘর আলো করে জন্ম নিল আমার প্রথম ছেলে। প্রথম মা হয়েছি, এদিকে মাস্টার্স ফাইনাল পরীক্ষা ছেলের সমস্যাটা বুঝতে পারিনি। ছেলে আমার চোখে চোখে তাকায়না। অনেককেই জিজ্ঞাসা করে সদুত্তর না পেয়ে নাম করা চোখের ডাক্তারের কাছে নিয়ে গেলাম। ডাক্তার বললেন ছেলেকে অজ্ঞান করে দেখতে হবে দেখে কিনা। বললাম ছেলে আমার দেখতে পায়। ডাক্তার আমাকে ধমকে বললেন আপনি কি ডাক্তার?

প্রবল অনিচ্ছা সত্বেও কাজটা করতে হলো। রেজাল্ট এলো চোখ ঠিক আছে। তিনি আমার ছয় মাসের শিশুকে চশমা দিলেন। (আজব দেশের আজব কান্ড)।

Everyone's Story is Different

This organization started its journey with 6 neuro-developmentally disabled children on 15th April 2012, by starting school and therapy activities. The organization aims to serve people with neuro-developmental disabilities. This organization is the outcome of the tremendous hard work and effort of an autistic child’s mother. By fighting against her limitations & obstacles, she is continuously moving forward with strong morale and conviction to serve neuro-developmentally disabled people.

We for Disabled Children

We have built your dream facility around that place of trust,where you are going to get: 

Special needs of special children:

Latest Activities


Providing permanent rehabilitation through bringing these children under 24-hour routine service. For now, this program has started only for boys. Soon the number of seats will be increased and a residential program will be started for girls too.

Our non-resident program runs from 9 am to 12.50 pm and from 1.20 pm to 5.10 pm.

Our day care program runs from 9 am to 5.10 pm. Lunch is provided by the institution.

Our Activities

Personal Activities
( ব্যক্তিগত সক্ষমতা কার্যক্রম )

IMG_8185 (1)

Basic necessary life skills and activities like brushing teeth alone, using restroom, dressing, putting on shoes and socks, eating alone, maintaining personal hygiene, washing hands and face, etc. are taught in this organization so that they can lead a normal life.

Educational Activities

Reading Class-3

This organization teaches people with neuro-developmental disabilities how to learn the alphabet, listen, speak, read, write, memorize 5-line poems etc. It also teaches to read addresses and basic mathematics. Additionally, it provides a general education curriculum for those who are slightly able to receive this education. Religious education is also given to them separately according to their religion.


Social Activities
( সামাজিক যোগাযোগ )


Being able to greet & farewell a person. Being able to do basic conversations such as  ‘Please’, ‘Thank You’, ‘Sorry’ etc. Making them able to recognize properly the people around them. Touching or taking other people’s things with their permission. Being polite on different occasions. Acknowledging & developing their sense of gender and enabling them to communicate according to the social norms. Learn to share their favourite things with others. Developing social communication such as visiting relatives/friends/neighbors etc.

Occupational Activities
(গৃহস্থালী কাজের দক্ষতা )


Household tasks such as washing dishes, washing clothes, sweeping the house, tidying up the house, tidying up the books, tidying up the bed, serving food, simple cooking, cleaning the house etc. are taught in this organization.

Pre - Vocational Activities
( প্রি - ভোকেশনাল শিক্ষা )


Shopping bag making, sewing training, envelope making and handicraft work are taught here.

Therapy Activities
(থেরাপী কার্যক্রম )


Therapy is very important for Neuro-developmentally disabled people. Speech therapy is given to teach speech & to recognize different things. Through occupational therapy cognitive skills and personal work  are being trained here.

Cultural Activities
( সাংস্কৃতিক প্রশিক্ষণ )

Dance Class-12

Ghazal, poetry recitations etc. are taught and extensive trainings are provided by professional teachers. Painting and crafting are taught  by an art teacher.

Sports Activities
(খেলাধুলা প্রশিক্ষণ )


Sports are prioritized here in the daily routine. Sports such as ball throwing, basketball, ludo, darts, slipper, swing, football, cricket, badminton etc. are practiced here by them. Moreover, to participate in the “Special Olympics” more sports would be added very soon.

Holding No-136, Ward No-9, Beutha Road, Manikganj.

najnin.rham@gmail.com  & 



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